§ 1 The name of the organization is Nordic Association for Fire Retardant Treated Wood
The board is based in Stockholm
§ 2 The Organizations's purpose is to
To disseminate information and knowledge about fire retardant treated wood to the market participants and the public in the Nordic countries.
To promote the harmonization of use and information about fire retardant treated wood in the Nordic countries.
To provide a neutral platform for information and knowledge exchange for the organization members.
To work to ensure that the quality of products, processes, suppliers and use of fire retardant treated wood is assured.
To work to increase the trust in fire retardant treated wood to enhance it's the competitiveness compared to non-wood materials.
§ 3 Membership may be obtained from any natural person or legal entity in support of the organization's objectives. The Board determines questions of membership or expulsion with regard to the Organization's purpose and adopted ethical rules.
§ 4 Member shall assist in the Organization's purposes. To retain their membership, the Members bind themselves to pay the annual fee at the due date determined by the Board at the annual general meeting.
§ 5 The organization's operations will be managed by a board consisting of not more than seven regular members. With an additional two supplementary deputies. At the annual general meeting the board members are elected for a term of two years lasting until the annual meeting occurring two years after the one they were elected. The deputies are elected for a term of one year. The first time the election is held, only half the number of members are elected and at that only on a term of one year.
The consecutive term of any member should not exceed six years.
The elected chairman of the board must be member of the organization.
The the Board is to summarize the operations of the organization in an annual report.
The Board forms a quorum when more than half the members are present. Each member has one vote. Voting is decided by majority. When the vote is tied, the Chairman has the deciding vote.
§ 6 The organization's legal name of operation is signed by the Chairman and Treasurer respectively, by the Board, and by any person within or outside the Board that the Board authorize thereto.
§ 7 The annual general meeting shall be held no later than the 30th of June.
The Board is responsible for convening the annual general meeting. Notice shall be given to members at least 30 days before the annual general meeting is held and should include the proposed agenda.
At the annual meeting, each member or their representative have one vote. No one member has more than one vote.
§ 8 The mandatory items on the agenda for the annual general meeting is as follows:
Calling and annotation of the present and voting members
Establishment of the electoral register
Examination of whether the annual general meeting has been duly convened
Election of the meeting chairman
Election of the meeting secretary
Election of the two participants who will act as tellers and attestants for the meeting
Presentation of the organization's annual report
Presentation of the auditors' report
To asses the organization’s statement of financial position
To asses the issue of giving the board discharge from their liabilities
Determination of membership fee (§ 4)
Election of the chairman and treasurer of the organization (see electoral § 5)
Election of board members (electoral see § 5)
Election of the nominating committee (electoral see § 10)
Selection of auditors and deputy auditor
All other issues that had been raised by the Board or by any member at least 2 weeks prior to the annual general meeting
§ 9 Unless otherwise stated in the by-laws the annual general meeting's decisions are made by simple majority.
Voting will be open except for in matters where the voting is requested to be held in ballot.
In a tie, the draw will be decided by chance in issues regardning election or taxes, other issues will determined by the meeting chairman.
When the by-laws require a qualified majority at least 2/3 of the votes are required to be cast in favor.
§ 10. The annual meeting shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three members, of which one of the members is to act as the convener. At least one new member is annually to be elected to the nominating committee.
§ 11 Extraordinary Annual General Meeting may be convened by the Board or the chairman of the board. Extraordinary Annual General Meetings shall be convened if at least 1/3 of the members so require. Such special meeting shall be held within 45 days from that the chairman receive such a given request. Extraordinary Annual General Meetings shall not be held less than 60 days before or after the regular annual general meeting.
Notice of a special meeting, specifying the matters to be addressed, should be given to the members at least 30 days ahead of the meeting.
§ 12 The organization’s fiscal year is the calendar year. The accounts and the boards management shall be audited by two auditors elected by the annual general meeting, which of both are required to be members of the organization.
§ 13 The organization's by-laws may be amended by unanimous decision at the annual general meeting or by a qualified majority at two consecutive annual meetings, of which at least one is regular.
Proposals to amend the by-laws should be included in it's entirety in the notice of annual meeting.
Proposals to amend the by-laws should be the submitted to the organization's board no later than 45 days before the annual general meeting in order to be valid.
§ 14 Motions for the dissolution of the organization must be submitted no later than 90 days before the annual general meeting at which it is to be addressed.
Motions for dissolution of the organization is to be included in the notice for the annual general meeting. For the decision on dissolution to be valid it requires two annual meetings, with at least three months in between, of which at least one meeting is a regular one and with a qualified majority in favor of the proposal.
At the dissolution of the organization, the organization's capital is to be used in accordance with the organization's purpose or transferred to a foundation or other organization working with the same purpose.